President said to claim everything he told ex-national security adviser is classified, wants to delay publication at least until after vote; envoy Yovanovitch snags own book deal

Bombshell footage of fundraising dinner also includes Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman giving president a gift in which rabbis in Ukraine and Israel compare him to the messiah

Recording appears to contradict president's claims of not knowing the Giuliani associate, a key figure in impeachment proceedings

After Democrats release documents suggesting Marie Yovanovitch was under surveillance, US secretary of state says he believes allegations untrue but will investigate

Giuliani associate says president was fully aware of efforts to pressure Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden, he 'knew exactly what was going on'

US State Department won't comment on Kyiv's investigation into alleged illegal activity targeting Marie Yovanovitch

Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman tried to appoint amenable CEO for gas company, boasted they were going to get Trump administration to fire envoy known for fighting corruption

In interview, Trump attorney lambastes US-Hungarian billionaire, saying he doesn't support Israel and 'controlled' Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch

President says he wants an impeachment trial so he can put Democrat Adam Schiff on stand, repeats discounted claim about Ukrainian meddling and says he hardly knows Sondland

Papers released by State Department show Trump's lawyer, accused of smear campaign against envoy to Ukraine, was in contact with top diplomat before ambassador was recalled
