Some members of the cash-strapped MAOIH Orthodox community view the assistance by a Chabad-affiliated competitor as a takeover, while others say it's their congregation's lifeline

Robert Frolich, head of umbrella group, calls prime minister's remarks against mixing of races 'a violation of human dignity;' orthodox group says they were 'unfortunate'

Right-wing populist government is in tight race for power with alliance of opposition parties whose largest contingent comes from far-right Jobbik party

Neolog umbrella group apologizes for signing interfaith statement on sanctification of heterosexual unions, but Chabad-linked organization sticks with support for declaration

Largest federation of Jewish communities in country criticizes 'gay propaganda law,' saying no one should be discriminated against or outlawed because of their identity

Inaugurated Thursday, the richly renovated synagogue compound -- a WWII deportation point for Jews sent to Auschwitz -- is now a lively multipurpose Jewish cultural center and cafe

Cultural commissioner says Poles and Hungarians 'are the new Jews' in deadlock with EU; Jewish organizations slam comparison of Holocaust survivor philanthropist to Hitler

Prime minister claims Mazsihisz not speaking out over candidate with history of making racist comments about Jews; group denies claim by PM, himself accused of fomenting hatred

Rabbi Gabor Finali kicked out of Mazsihisz umbrella organization for a statement he later retracted; has also said Jewish state appropriated money of Holocaust victims

EMIH group given special designation enabling funding, including grants for educational work that would otherwise be unavailable
