Umbrella review of research over past 20 years says marijuana can be effective for illnesses such as epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, and chronic pain, 'not without adverse events'

Esteemed scientist led pioneering research into psychoactive substance, with findings that helped ease its entry out of counterculture and into the mainstream

Biden announces basketball player returning home in exchange for Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout; jailed former marine not freed as part of deal

Authorities say senior medics and brokers provided online service netting thousands of shekels apiece; say drug dealers exploited network to purchase supplies

Company behind the tech says each gram of its product will stretch much further in treating patients than a gram from cannabis plant — and needs far less water and other resources

Speculation over zany heavens abounded on social media; culprit revealed to be medical cannabis farm that did not close its blinds

Scientists manage to increase levels of active components THC and CBG, opening up new opportunities for the growing industry

Agriculture Ministry hails development as a major step toward country becoming a significant player in the global cannabis market

Town in southern Negev region hopes to capitalize on its economic priority zone status by drawing start-ups in developing field of non-recreational pot

Increasing numbers of former leaders and security chiefs find new careers in the country’s tightly controlled cannabis industry, which hopes to use influence to change laws
