Entrepreneur Paddy Cosgrave apologizes 'to anyone who was hurt by my words' following latest pullouts from Web Summit, condemns 'evil, disgusting and monstrous' attack by Hamas

Bloc continues its heightened scrutiny of social media giants, which has included highlighting dangers of Hamas potentially airing videos featuring execution of hostages

Independent body warns that social media giant's current moderation policies don't sufficiently distinguish between Holocaust denial, for example, and criticism of it

Body to issue non-binding ruling after tech giant says meme did not violate community standards on hate speech

Tech giant says it removed 7,700 Facebook accounts trying to promote Beijing's agenda, gives details on Russia's similar 'Doppelganger' operation, which has added Israel as target

Over 30 million people download new app in less than 24 hours, says Zuckerberg, as longtime Twitter users look for alternative to troubled platform owned by Elon Musk

Launch of Threads, a new offering billed as text-based version of Meta's Instagram, comes at time of peak frustration with Twitter and its owner Elon Musk

Visitors in Berlin can converse with an AI-generated avatar based on interviews held with a survivor of the Theresienstadt concentration camp

Tech giant vows to appeal ruling, asks court to put it on hold as lawyer whose suit kicked off legal battle predicts American firm will likely end up having to comply with EU law

Ex-premier of New Zealand declines to accept pay for working to eliminate terrorist and violent extremist internet content; will also join Prince William's environmental charity
