Otzma Yehudit MK Limor Son Har-Melech sponsors legislation, claiming panel's members seek to undermine Jewish state; group chair says move aimed at delegitimizing Arab society

Some 50 former and current Knesset members and others stage sit-in outside Netanyahu's office, blame police for not doing enough to stanch violence

Several others injured; man stabbed to death in Holon; head of Arab community umbrella group accuses Ben Gvir and police of deliberate inaction

Public services, businesses, most schools shut down as community accuses cops of killing Mohammed Elasibi 'in cold blood' in Old City, reject police claim he attempted an attack

Group holds meeting in Jordan as Israel refuses to cooperate with probe, citing lead investigator's anti-Israel bias

Arab Israelis have been urging increased law enforcement to fight organized crime, but an innocent bystander’s slaying in an ambush gone awry underscores why many are mistrustful

Bloc has come under considerable strain in recent months as Ra’am faction leader Mansour Abbas has pushed for normalizing ties with Netanyahu

After two recent murders within their community, bringing year's total to 80, MKs and local leaders to take part in protest steps, including tent near PM's office