TV network says municipal leader initially sought to avoid quarantine but was told the rules obligated him

Mayor pushes advance decision on how many elected positions should go to Haredim, non-Orthodox, angering everyone; city says aim is to prevent one side pushing out the other

New LED lights on city symbol allow for the display of short clips and messages to locals and visitors entering the capital

Residents of ‘red’ towns and neighborhoods must stay close to home; schools and most businesses shuttered in affected areas

Jerusalem mayor claims figures for city are wrong; deputy minister rages that ultra-Orthodox cities given more sweeping restrictions than others

As the health situation in city's east grows worse, the municipality has resumed tearing down homes, leaving some out on the streets during economic crisis caused by virus

Figures show Palestinians make up some two-thirds of cases in the capital as health officials lament lack of coordination with municipality and massive budget deficit in hospitals

Moshe Lion claims demonstrations of thousands are more dangerous than huge ultra-Orthodox wedding that drew outcry

Led by the ministries of labor and defense and city hall, project may serve as an example for similar initiatives across the country

Lockdowns come into effect in neighborhoods in five towns and cities; death toll at 351, with 130 patients in serious condition, including 42 on ventilators
