Military correspondent on rise in murders, shooting of Dee terrorists and BlueWhale unmanned submarine; environment reporter Sue Surkes on failed obligations and Tolerance Museum

More than 20 years in the making, the imposing facility in downtown Jerusalem will start with a photo exhibit, as works continue on the high-tech museum elements

With court case behind them, mayor meets with museum co-chair Larry Mizel and will soon tour facility; city culture official to work directly with museum

Jerusalem's Museum of Tolerance takes down image by acclaimed photojournalist Micha Bar-Am; son: 'They care less about hurting our liberal feelings than those of religious people'

PM calls on world powers to hold Tehran accountable; World Jewish Congress head says Likud aiding Tehran by refusing to cooperate with new government

Making first official visit to Israel, Gianni Infantino attends opening of ex-US ambassadors peace center, angering Palestinians who reportedly cancel meeting with him

At gala opening of Peace through Strength Center, former ambassador says Arab-Israeli conflict on cusp of ending; Pompeo swipes Biden over Afghanistan withdrawal

The Simon Wiesenthal Center's building, slated to be 4 times larger than Yad Vashem, is already an imposing presence as it readies to open next year. But is it also an imposition?

Speaking to ToI about combating anti-Semitism across hemispheres and partisan divides, the octogenarian clergyman is as comfortable as ever in his role as defender of the Tribe