Israel's police training and vehicle supplies ended in 2017, but deliveries of surveillance equipment may be ongoing amid coup, Amnesty International official says
Several children among the dead when security forces opened fire on anti-coup protesters; defense chiefs of 12 nations condemn military's use of lethal force against civilians
Ari Ben-Menashe's firm agrees to lobby the US, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Israel, Russia and other countries as well as the UN and African Union on behalf of those behind putsch
Pictures of Sister Ann Roza Nu Tawng kneeling in front of riot police and tearfully pleading with them not to open fire compared to images of Tiananmen Square tank man
Only a few dozen Jewish families remain in Southeast Asian nation, formerly known as Burma, that has been hit by years of political turmoil, military rule
Countries call for restoring democracy; US urges release of detained officials, warns it will act if coup not reversed; rights groups fret over safety of leader Aung San Suu Kyi
Army says it's taking charge for 1 year after failing to recognize election results, phone and internet connections cut; US warns of repercussions if actions not reversed
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