The legendary Warsaw revolt and other acts of Jewish resistance -- both physical and spiritual -- are focus of this year’s Yom HaShoah commemoration at Yad Vashem

While the WWII drama details the true story of a young American in France who saved thousands from the Nazis, many involved criticize the streaming giant for historical inaccuracy

'Betrayal of the Humanities' anthology examines 'self-coordination' of German academicians in advancing Third Reich's 'racial' policies -- before, during and even after the war

Some 16,000 fragments likely include remains from victims of Nazi crimes along with members of Namibia's Herero people killed in a colonial-era massacre

The Guardian: Iconic children's cartoon is based on a Jewish writer's book that used the story as a brutal allegory for Nazi persecution

Traute Lafrenz took part in efforts with Sophie and Hans Scholl to distribute leaflets denouncing Hitler and his regime; was arrested by Gestapo and detained for a year

Rights groups, UN slam plan to outlaw asylum claims by all illegal arrivals and transfer them elsewhere, such as Rwanda

For her sprawling book, journalist Nina Siegal read through hundreds of wartime diaries to portray difficult day-to-day lives of Dutch during Nazi Germany's five-year occupation

A new book explores how, by concealing them behind a false wall, Corrie ten Boom helped rescue hundreds of Jews and Dutch resisters from German clutches during World War II

Rachel Maddow's eerily timed series depicts how ultra-right nationalists prepared to bomb Jewish sites while 'bought' members of Congress disseminated Nazi talking points
