Discussing US policies during Arab Spring, former US president admits 'inconsistency' as he strove to balance 'competing interests'; says AIPAC members viewed him with suspicion

Former US president says he and Israeli PM 'did not share worldviews,' which is why he included extensive context about him in his upcoming memoir

In new memoir, ex-president recalls fraught ties with Israeli PM, AIPAC; laments that any criticism of Jerusalem makes one suspect of anti-Israel, even anti-Semitic sentiments

Democratic presidential candidate was loyal to the president during his White House tenure, but remained a steadfast friend to Israel and acted as a key interlocutor, insiders say

US president issues rare criticism of top allies Barr and Pompeo, chastises the latter for not releasing Hillary Clinton emails, which he claims are 'in the State Department'

Taking off for Washington, PM contrasts the Iran nuclear deal championed by Barack Obama with Deal of the Century to be released by 'huge friend' of Israel, Donald Trump

Campaign consultants' views on brokering peace distinguish the candidate from rivals Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden

After keeping a distance from the Jewish and Democratic establishments, US presidential hopeful picks J Street co-founder Joel Rubin for outreach to Jews

Official in former US president's administration denies 'outrageous lie,' says Stephanie Grisham should be 'fired'

NY Times exposé reveals extent of Netanyahu-Obama rift on stopping Iranian nukes; PM himself tells paper he'd 'unequivocally' have ordered strike in 2012 if cabinet had backed him
