National Sea Turtle Rescue Center is treating nine endangered green sea turtles affected by devastating oil spill that coated Israel's coast with thick black tar

Kan news says that the Minerva Helen, said to be involved in major oil spill near Copenhagen in 2008, is under investigation; shipping company denies involvement in both incidents

Shaul Goldstein, director of the Israel Nature and Parks Authority, says sand looking better on many northern beaches, but rocks still highly contaminated after suspected oil spill

Experts call the spill Israel's worst beach contamination in memory, and they fear much marine life has been wiped out. Nobody can say how long recovery will take

Authorities urge keeping distance from entire Mediterranean coast from Rosh Hanikra to Zikim due to worry over tar exposure, a day after people fell ill helping cleanup efforts

Implementation of 2008 government decision to create plan for national response to spills was stymied at the time by Treasury

Following hospitalization of individuals who apparently inhaled toxic fumes while handling tar, Israel Nature and Parks Authority says there will be proper instruction

Parks authority chief vet says not yet clear that liquid was cause of animal's death or linked to spill; authorities urge staying away from beaches from Rosh Hanikra to Zikim

As tankers begin taking oil from Red Sea to Mediterranean, hundreds of experts write that a leak could ravage marine life and destroy world's only reef spared by climate change

Scholars from Israel and elsewhere issue stark plea for international community to remove 1 million barrels from ship stuck for five years, or face devastation of vital ecosystem
