Former Supreme Court deputy president tells Times of Israel radical legal shakeup would leave Israel with just one branch of government - and potentially a 'democracy in name' only

National Unity party leader says Israel on path toward ‘civil war'; Netanyahu pans his comments as 'a call to sedition from within the Knesset’

PM says coalition is carrying out the will of the people, a day after former Supreme Court president attacked the planned reforms and thousands demonstrated in Tel Aviv

Likud MK a major proponent of passing court override measure, boosting government control of judicial appointments and lowering age of retirement for Supreme Court justices

Justices urge public and Knesset to stand against planned moves they say could endanger democracy, turn Israel into pariah

6th episode of ToI’s new podcast miniseries ‘Israel’s Judiciary: Reform or Ruin?’ takes a nuanced journey into looming legislation that could alter country’s checks and balances

7th episode of ToI’s new podcast miniseries ‘Israel’s Judiciary: Reform or Ruin?’ takes a nuanced journey into looming legislation that could alter country’s checks and balances

5th episode of ToI’s new podcast miniseries ‘Israel’s Judiciary: Reform or Ruin?’ takes a nuanced journey into looming legislation that could alter the country’s checks & balances

Text in deal with UTJ, expected to appear in other accords, says parties should offer full support for legislation 'to restore proper balance' between legislature and judiciary

4th episode of ToI’s new podcast miniseries ‘Israel’s Judiciary: Reform or Ruin?’ takes a nuanced journey into looming legislation that could alter country’s checks and balances
