Avi Himi says public should 'take to the streets' over proposals to let Knesset overturn top court rulings, change how judges appointed

Majority of Gantz voters would prefer National Unity to enter Likud-led coalition; majority of pro-Netanyahu camp backs Hebron soldier filmed accosting left-wing activists

The staunch Israel supporter, once referred to by PM-designate as 'one of the world's greatest lawyers,' says Israel's Supreme Court is 'the jewel of judiciaries around the world'

Esther Hayut stresses commitment to 'the rule of law and judicial independence,' amid calls from Netanyahu bloc to pass law letting Knesset override High Court rulings

Despite snags in coalition talks, Netanyahu reportedly wants to quickly replace Knesset speaker and pass laws that would allow Deri to be a minister and police to be under Ben Gvir

Current speaker says he won't delay swap, which will allow incoming coalition to advance bills to override Supreme Court and to allow Deri to serve as minister despite conviction

Outgoing prime minister says expected successor motivated solely by desire to end his criminal trial; Gantz decries incoming government potentially forming a 'Ben Gvir militia'

Party members meet with experts to discuss impact of incoming coalition's planned legislation to bypass High Court; outgoing PM vows to not let right-wing 'normalize criminality'

Outgoing government reportedly seeking to maintain control of legislative agenda, frustrating Likud-led bloc's plan to pass legislation to allow convicted Deri to hold portfolio

Expected government of Likud leader, who is currently on trial, may grant him lifeline from conviction; critics say proposed changes would allow lawmakers to abuse their authority
