Week after deadly attack, Central Command chief says military failed in mission to protect women; Rabbi Leo Dee urges him not to put soldiers' lives at risk for manhunt

Preliminary findings strengthen suspicions car-ramming by Yousef Abu Jaber, 45, on Tel Aviv promenade Friday was a terror attack, says senior police official

Finding rules out reports tourist Alessandro Parini, 35, was run over, then shot; alleged attacker's body to be autopsied, reportedly to check for drugs, alcohol or heart attack

Ben Gvir and Smotrich complain that government policy too soft on terrorism, lash out at their predecessors, but hawkish police minister says he won't bring down coalition

Hassan Diab, who lives in Canada, accused of planting bomb outside premises that killed four and injured dozens on behalf of Palestinian terror group; he claims mistaken identity

Shin Bet links Omar Abedin to Hamas terror group and operatives in Lebanon, alleges he sought to attack officers near Temple Mount

Speaking from his hospital bed, former US Marine David Stern recalls slowing his car to give right of way to pedestrian, who then opened fire

Hundreds hold joint rally against far-right minister, but while US Jews use opportunity to highlight Palestinian plight, Israeli expats prefer to focus solely on judicial overhaul

Finance minister again says call to destroy Palestinian town 'created a mistaken impression,' claims to embrace Israelis of all types, as ex-pats and others rally outside hotel

Finance minister to meet with leaders in Jewish, global business communities; but US officials, liberal Jewish groups are boycotting him after 'wipe out' Huwara remark
