Adi Tamiza, a Hebron resident with a residency permit in Israel, accused of assaulting victim after she refused his advances; lawyer: 'Serious damage' to women's sense of security

19-year-old says suspect dragged her to concealed spot on Bat Yam shore and assaulted her; suspect, from Hebron area, had permit to be in Israel

Lawyer in case says it is the worst she's seen in 30-year career; victim: I've gone through war and I'm standing on my feet

Partial lifting of gag order on explosive case reveals soldier's claim she was left alone in prison's security wing, attacker threatened her life if she told anybody

Court unanimously clears serviceman of all charges, accepting defense claim that the pair had a consensual relationship

Indictment says pair sexually abused girl starting when she was 11; wanted child to get pregnant for financial gain so tracked her ovulation; mother heard girl's screams for help

Haaretz report says several officers questioned over largely ignoring woman's report, failing to meet with her after failed suicide attempt one day before she died on base

Police say Ramle couple in their 40s tracked 13-year-old's menstrual cycle over several years in attempt to get her pregnant

Panel rules victims' fears of running into their attacker, Alon Kastiel, should not be the deciding factor in his early release

Prisons service to examine death of Daniel Ambash, who was serving 26-years for what has been described as one of the most shocking abuse cases in Israel's history
