Emerging deals between Likud and its political partners include agreements to allow death penalty for terrorists, weaken judiciary, hold gender-segregated public events

Reported clause in coalition deal states incoming PM will push to extend Israeli sovereignty in territory, while taking into account 'national and international interests'

Far-right party announces that agreements also reached on judicial reform, amending Law of Return's 'grandchild clause'; Ben Gvir reportedly to get veto over some bills

7 weeks after election win, Likud head tells president he's mustered a majority; right, far-right, religious coalition vows to boost security, reform judiciary, expand settlements

Leaked pact includes Knesset override clause without specifying number of votes needed to change court ruling; Levin said calling to lower retirement age for judges

Likud-led bloc fast-tracks legislation crucial to incoming coalition, seeking to expand and reshape ministerial authorities, prevent MK rebellions

Netanyahu's party reportedly reluctant to clearly detail plans, believing it could lead to weeks of public criticism; disagreements remain with Haredi parties on conscription

Report says lawmakers questioned residents at facility about 'assimilation,' asked they be given more Jewish content; industry official warns 'radical' agenda will impact treatment

Newly released text of deal details powers to be given to Religious Zionism's minister in Defense Ministry, allowing far-right party to expand settlements, restrict Palestinians

Coalition pact said to shift process of picking heads of COGAT and Civil Administration to politicians, granting right-wing more power to expand settlements, restrict Palestinians
