Outgoing Prime Minister Lapid likens policy to Iran's, drawing outrage amid renewed debate over whether separate seating is inherently discriminatory

Likud reportedly hopes to temporarily appoint Yariv Levin to role so parliament can pass controversial override law; Religious Zionism says it hasn't been asked about plan

Baharav-Miara said to tell Netanyahu approval needed from Central Elections Committee; Ben Gvir's Otzma Yehudit, Smotrich's Religious Zionism say will operate separately in Knesset

Rabbi Chaim Druckman insists individual private rights wouldn't be harmed, but conversion would only be allowed according to Orthodox standards and buses wouldn't run on Sabbath

PM-designate's hopes of new government by middle of next week seem unlikely, as Smotrich said to insist on defense portfolio, Ben Gvir demands transportation or education

After politicians sit down for coalition talks, PM-designate's party also says deal reached to legalize many West Bank outposts within 60 days of government being formed

Religious Zionism leader Smotrich says anyone who raises 'a hand, weapon, or stone' should expect lethal force; Ta'al leader Tibi says 'Israeli-Jewish fascism' is a Jewish problem

As coalition negotiations heat up but with presumptive next PM said reluctant to give him post, far-right leader meets former IDF generals, gets backing from prominent rabbis

Shas head, twice convicted of financial improprieties, stakes claim for Treasury as Netanyahu is set to receive mandate to form government

Kan news indicates negotiation difficulties may leave interim government in place for a few more days; Shas leader said offered expanded interior portfolio
