A founder of the settler movement, who coined the term Gush Emunim, Druckman influenced country's top leaders as an educator and major force in Israeli society

Former MK, 90, seen as the top spiritual figure in the national religious community and a powerful political player among right wing; reportedly in 'serious but stable condition'

The Religious Zionism leader's political ascent has been marked by extreme positions from the start. He now stands on the cusp of having the ability to realize his far-right vision

Asa Kasher says historic image of Jewish people is not the current image, rejects unity; Facebook removes post for violating conduct code

After backing Yamina in 2021, Givat Shmuel residents feel burned by its perceived betrayal; many plan to hold their noses and vote for Likud or Religious Zionism

Religious figures wade into case that has roiled religious elementary school in Givat Shmuel, claiming that Jewish law forbids cross-dressing

Survey sees surge for Likud and Labor, while New Hope would fall under electoral threshold; blocs would be tied, with 56 seats each

Rabbi Yaakov Mann was a scholar-turned-contractor who felt Israel should be built up with the work of its residents' own hands. His influence continues to benefit the capital today

Chaim Druckman avoids directly saying a right-wing government must not cooperate with Ra'am party, urges Sa'ar to back Netanyahu, is '1000%' certain Bennett won't join Lapid

Nearly half of religious, quarter of secular express such sentiments; feelings strongest among ultra-Orthodox; half of Arab Israeli youth hold negative stereotypes about Haredim
