Business organization representing 150 leading companies, tech sector workers, lawyers to rally Monday as coalition readies to enact key bill that will limit judicial review

Tens of thousands attend Tel Aviv pro-government event where ministers slam reservist protests, vow more bills; in Jerusalem, ex-president Rivlin urges PM to stop, 'avoid disaster'

Ex-president calls for system with 'clear separation of powers,' says every Israeli can decide whether his successor Herzog is doing a good job or not in mediating talks

In first TV interview since leaving office, Rivlin says he didn't join mass protests against defense minister's sacking out of custom, but phoned him with message of support

In closed-door comments, ex-president claims Netanyahu asked him to find partner for government, gave him blank check for demands; Likud, Gantz's office both deny version of events

The Jewish state has prioritized ties with Turkey and Azerbaijan over recognizing the WWI Ottoman massacre, critics say, as Armenian community voices shame over country's stance

While the identities of the witnesses and the materials studied remain unknown, some believe staying under the radar may save panel from being torpedoed by Netanyahu government

Yehuda Weinstein, who served under Netanyahu for 6 years, says he opposes all parts of plan; justice minister, Supreme Court chief meet for first time since trading public barbs

Former minister, Likud member warns against 'legislating out of revenge,' urges young people to not despair, as tensions soar over coalition plans to restructure legal system

Longtime member of Netanyahu's Likud party warns incoming coalition against attempt to 'destroy' court system, says concentration of power 'very dangerous'
