In rare rally, protesters call on Riyadh to free their relatives, said to be jailed over Palestinian terror group's ties to Iran

Fans reject claim that Saudi kingdom's participation in match amounts to normalization with Israel; official estimates 12,000-13,000 attend event

No goals scored by either side during 2022 World Cup qualifier, the first-ever game between the national teams to be held in the West Bank

Muslim officials tell players of 'police harassment of worshipers, state-sponsored attempts by Jewish fanatics to take it over'; Israel has long denied plans to change status quo

Game marks a change in policy for Riyadh, which has previously played against Palestinians in third countries in keeping with the decades-long Arab boycott of Israel

Defense officials assess that a similar cruise missile strike could be launched from Iraqi territory; IDF chief warns of forceful response

PA President Abbas said to invite Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to watch World Cup qualifier

New guidelines allow women to rent rooms without male guardian's presence, and foreign couples to share accommodation without proof of marriage

Lack of American response to crippling attack on oil facilities has shown Riyadh that Washington 'not really ready to take on Iran,' analyst says

Russian leader says US has not produced proof of Tehran's link to September strikes that rattled global energy markets
