State Dept. spokesman says previous administration's decision to end assistance, after PA refused to engage with peace efforts, didn't produce political progress or concessions

In first remarks on conflict by an official of the new administration, acting ambassador says US will work to advance two-state solution, shuns unilateral moves by both sides

Palestinians aim to fundamentally change relationship with US when new president takes office, hope to reopen PLO office in DC, including by overcoming a US law that hinders ties

Israel hands over full NIS 3.7 billion in tax revenues it collects on Palestinians' behalf, despite law requiring withholding amount PA pays security detainees and families

Maher al-Akhras had protested being held in administrative detention without charges on suspicion of terror links; stopped fast in return for freedom

Guard lightly hurt in subsequent protests in West Bank's Ofer Prison; officials say he suffered from a chronic illness and collapsed in his cell

Devices reportedly concealed in bathroom at Barzilai Medical Center ahead of arrival of six inmates from Ketziot Prison for doctor's appointments

Kamal Abu Waer, 46, who also has cancer, is serving multiple life sentences for his role in attacks on Israeli civilians during the Second Intifada

Kamal Abu Waer, 46, is serving several life sentences for his role in several attacks against Israeli civilians during the Second Intifada

Netanyahu says no decision yet on travelers from the US but indicates 'difficult decisions' to be made in coming hours; 3 more Israelis infected
