Pramila Patten says over 100 sexual assault cases verified amid Russian invasion, part of a deliberate tactic to 'dehumanize' Ukrainians

A 2017 tweet by actor Alyssa Milano triggered an enormous global wave of public sexual abuse complaints, bringing down politicians, celebrities and other influential figures

Spanish project offers chilling audiovisual experience adapted for local audience with rabbinical court rulings, account of alleged Cyprus gang-rape of Brit by Israelis

New rules, after 2 years of research on difficulties experienced by accusers, include preventing contact between victim and suspect, speedy process, mixed-gender judge panels

In open letter, president says sexual assaults are 'stains that cannot be erased,' pleads for younger generation to adhere to boundaries, take action against misconduct

Cops reportedly consider words of international feminist protest chant 'A Rapist in Your Path' unacceptable and detain six protesters

Director's new film about anti-Semitic persecution of French army officer is overshadowed by rape case

The often violent upheaval sweeping the Middle East in the last decade has also spurred women to cling to gains earned as they fight, and rebuild, alongside men