Diplomatic reporter Lazar Berman on seemingly warming Saudi ties; religion reporter Canaan Lidor on chief rabbi's slander against Israelis who don't keep kosher

Findings to be presented to defense minister and cabinet reportedly to include cooperation possibilities along with dangers and ramifications of Saudi nuclear program

Shlomo Karhi to be second member of Israeli government to travel to kingdom in less than a week, amid US push to broker normalization deal between Jerusalem and Riyadh

As justices deliberate legislation shielding prime minister, Justice Minister Levin and others argue that even holding a hearing on the matter is illegitimate

Ministers Shlomo Karhi and Idit Silman paint High Court hearing on government recusal law as an attack on democracy

Haim Katz says tourism 'a bridge between nations' while attending UN World Tourism Organization event, as Jerusalem and Riyadh seem to edge closer to US-brokered normalization pact

Netanyahu has previously been noncommittal when asked if he'd adhere to potential decision striking down bill; doesn't mention Tuesday's reasonableness hearing at cabinet meeting

High Court interim order against ministers Karhi, Amsalem indicates skepticism about their move after Mishael Vaknin argued he was dismissed for political reasons

Justice Isaac Amit says service's director should only be fired in 'catastrophic' circumstances; critics say Mishael Vaknin's dismissal in July was motivated by politics

In response to petitions against removal of postal service board director, Gali Baharav-Miara says decision by Likud’s Karhi, Amsalem marred by 'fundamental flaws'
