Demonstrators interrupt live report by Channel 14's Atay Shalev, drape flags in front of him and allegedly beat him with flagpoles; Union of Journalists condemns incident

Brother-in-law says family hoped Aviel Haddad would come back from Djerba pilgrimage with a bride, instead 'returned in a coffin'

Union of Journalists condemns latest in series of assaults against Channel 13 staff, links it to incitement following onscreen text appearing to blame PM for civilian deaths

Karhi spars with crowd, falsely claiming he never told reservists to 'go to hell,' says protesters 'held captive' by propaganda media; scuffles break out during Rothman appearance

Likud's Vaturi says Jewish state 'probably more democratic' than US; former envoy to Washington says some American officials now believe Netanyahu an 'existential danger to Israel'

Channel 13 reporter Yossi Eli suffers broken rib, cameraman head injury; Lapid blames Netanyahu, Ben Gvir; Gantz urges PM to unequivocally condemn attacks

Though no one in Netanyahu's party will vote against the bills, many are uncomfortable with them, and the cracks are beginning to show

Under Shlomo Karhi's proposal, TV stations would no longer need a license to broadcast news, dozens of radio frequencies would be stripped from public broadcasters

Shlomo Karhi sees uptick in online threats; hundreds demonstrate outside homes of fellow Likud cabinet members

Shlomo Karhi vows controversial legislative blitz will continue, says there can only be 'a little' compromise with opposition and not on key issues
