Party says move not part of coalition talks; Netanyahu, other party members have long opposed news division; opposition MK: '1st lesson in school of dictators... silence the media'

Survey embraced as justification by opponents of Law of Return's 'grandchild clause'; critics allege bigotry

Senior MK for opposition chief's party says Gali Baharav-Miara should be replaced by someone 'whose worldview aligns with the right'; Likud says opinion is Barkat's alone

Head of Knesset committee files police complaint against Yoav Kisch for saying Gali Baharav-Miara will be out of a job if she approves selection of new IDF chief before election

House Committee head Yamina MK Nir Orbach announces plan to convene discussion on whether to remove Joint List head Ayman Odeh from Knesset following petition of 70 legislators

Buildings removed at illegal Homesh site, though yeshiva left intact; in south, police raze structures set up in protest of Bedouin expansion

Liberman says he checked the numbers and 2021 has been the best year of the century economically; Lapid admits government has made mistakes, but says money for handouts limited

After Mandelblit was said to tell associates privately that ex-PM was a danger to democracy, MK Shlomo Karhi accuses AG of 'corrupt coup'

New law mandates a sentence of at least one-quarter of maximum term; justice minister hails legislation, opposition laments window for judges' discretion

Investigators collect security camera footage documenting alleged July crime that Abir Kara has already confessed to -- while insisting that his actions were accidental
