Former national security adviser John Bolton claims in his forthcoming memoir that President Trump once said reporters “should be executed” and even requested that his White House counsel contact the Justice Department to discuss whether jailing journalists would be possible. Fox News has obtained a copy of his forthcoming memoir, “The Room Where It Happened.” It has not been publicly released yet, and the Trump administration has taken steps to try to block its publication, claiming it contains confidential information. In the book, Bolton said Trump’s comments about reporters came in the midst of a meeting to discuss Afghanistan. “As the discussion proceeded, Trump said at one point, ‘Making a bad deal is worse than just getting out.

In an incredible find, the actual Matzievos Of HaRav Levi Yitzchok of Barditchev and his three sons were uncovered during construction work on the gravesite that took place during the months of March and April when COVID-19 was hitting hardest. The Kevarim were unearthed from below the original Ohel where they had been for around  120 years until the Holocaust – from the time they were buried. The Chabad Rabbi of the city, Rabbi Moshe Teller together with head Shaliach to western Ukraine Rabbi Shlomo Willhelm visited the Kevarim and explained what transpired. The work was initiated by Rabbi Teller, who decided to redo the gravesite and renew part of the Jewish cemetery in the city. Rabbi Teller decided to remove the floor so as to install underground heating in the site.

Israel’s main umbrella group for tour operators sent a letter to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Wednesday appealing to him to rescue Israel’s tourism industry. The Israel Incoming Tour Operators Association wrote in the letter that the Israeli government’s lack of financial assistance will lead to the total collapse of the industry. Incoming tourism normally contributes an annual total of NIS 8 billion ($2.32b.) to the Israeli economy. Tour operators spoke about their struggles in a Yisrael Hayom report: Yonatan Weiss is a tour guide for tourists in Israel: “My greatest difficulty is longing to lead tours again – the sparkling eyes, the curiosity, the way our country reflects and is viewed by the diverse tourists who come here from all over the world.

Following the Yisrael Hayom report earlier this week revealing that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu appealed to Russian President Vladimir Putin to thwart the anti-Israel Resolution 2234 in the UN Security Council as well as another anti-Israel resolution that President Obama planned to propose, a Jerusalem Post report on Wednesday revealed further details about the saga. According to the report, Israel’s Ambassador to the US Ron Dermer said at the time that he has evidence that the Obama administration was actively involved in pushing Resolution 2234 forward rather than merely abstaining from the vote in the UN Security Council. However, then US Ambassador to Israel Dan Shapiro denied Dermer’s words, saying that the proposal was not a US initiative.

A Lubavitcher Bochur was nearly a victim of a drive-by shooting in Brooklyn. According to CHI, the incident happened on Wednesday evening at around 7:30PM on Atlantic Avenue near Pennsylvania Avenue. The Bochur states he was driving when suddenly shots rang out, and two bullets struck his vehicle. One smashed the passenger-side window and a second stuck his tire. One person on the sidwalak was struck. His exact condition was unknown, and it is unknown if that man was in fact the target. The NYPD was investigating the incident. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

In 36 years of hosting “Jewish Moments in the Morning” (JM in the AM) I’ve had a general policy of not providing guests with questions in advance of our conversations. This policy safeguards the spontaneity, curiosity and enthusiasm of on-air discussions. In response to Governor Cuomo’s recent announcement regarding the closure of summer camps, I have extended an invitation to have him join me on the air, to no avail. As a result, in order to establish the respectful and straight forward intent of my invitation, I am providing Governor Cuomo with my questions in advance, in good faith and in hopes of him accepting my offer: 1. Throughout the pandemic, you have left many decisions and enforcement to local governments. Why did you decide to make this one on your own? 2.

Garrett Rolfe, the Atlanta police officer fired after the killing of Rayshard Brooks last week, now faces 11 charges including felony murder, which could potentially lead to the death penalty, a Georgia district attorney announced Wednesday. A second officer, Devin Brosnan, is facing three charges, including aggravated assault. Brosnan has agreed to testify in the case against Rolfe, Fulton County District Attorney Paul Howard Jr. said at a news conference. Brooks was shot and killed outside a Wendy’s restaurant where he’d apparently fallen asleep in his car in the drive-thru lane. He allegedly failed a field sobriety test — and ultimately was seen wrestling with the officers and running with one of their Tasers leading up to the shooting. “We’ve concluded, at the time Mr.

NYC Mayor DeBlasio blasted the NYC Police Unions on Tuesday – even going so far as calling one of them “racist”. DeBlasio made the explosive comment in response one of New York City’s police unions said officers were “intentionally poisoned” and another warned cops couldn’t even have a meal without “coming under attack” after officers were sickened by a toxic substance in milkshakes from a Shake Shack – which later turned out to be no criminality involved. Mayor Bill de Blasio slammed the unions over what they’d said. “I would think the unions would trust the NYPD to find the truth, and I thank Chief Harrison for so rapidly getting the truth out. These union leaders don’t want the truth.

El Al has extended its cancelation on all scheduled flights to and from Israel until July 31. The previous date announced by El Al earlier this month was June 30. The only flights that will be operating are cargo flights and one-off services. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
The post El Al Cancels All Flights Through July 31 appeared first on The Yeshiva World.

The Aunt Jemima brand, which has graced syrup and other products for more than 130 years, is being retired. Chicago-based Quaker Oats Co., a unit of PepsiCo, announced Wednesday that it will first remove the image from its packaging, with plans to change the name at a later date. The company said it made the decision as it took a “hard look” at the brands in its portfolio. “We recognize Aunt Jemima’s origins are based on a racial stereotype,” Kristin Kroepfl, vice president and chief marketing officer, Quaker Foods North America, said in a news release.
