The question on many people’s minds this morning is how can a violent maniac that assaulted an innocent 92-year-old woman was walking the streets — when he had a stunning 101 prior arrests? Police sources say Rashid Brimmage, 31, has 101 prior arrests and is a registered sex offender. His prior arrests include: assault, possession of a controlled substance, public lewdness, criminal mischief, resisting arrest, various forms of abuse, obstruction of governmental authority, criminal trespass, forcible touching, harassment and persistent sexual abuse. According to police, he’s also the man caught on camera assaulting an elderly woman in Gramercy Park.

A frightening scenario is occurring in France in recent days in the city of Dijon, with four consecutive days of guerrilla warfare between Chechen and Muslim gangs, complete with Kalashnikov rifles and other weapons, iron bars, gunshots and shouts of “Allah Akbar.” The violence, apparently sparked by an alleged assault on a Chechen teenager, is centered in the low-income district of Grésilles, which has a large Muslim population. Cars have been set on fire, a police officer lynched, over a dozen wounded, and despite the hundreds of anti-riot police deployed, not one arrest has been made. Meyer Habib, a Jewish Member of the French Parliament, wrote on social media: “After the anti-Semitic outbursts when they screamed “Dirty Jews!” these images reflect a harsh reality in France of 2020.

Please be Mispallel for Hagaon HaRav Dovid Feinstein Shlita, one of the Poskei HaDor, who is in need of Tefillos. His name for Tehillim is Dovid ben Shima.
The post TEHILLIM – Hagaon HaRav Dovid Feinstein In Need Of Tefillos appeared first on The Yeshiva World.

As chants of “defund the police” thunder at protests in the wake of George Floyd’s death, New York City’s police commissioner has found himself trying to avoid deep cuts to what has long been among the world’s best-funded law enforcement agencies. Over the last three months, the coronavirus crisis has dealt an estimated $9.5 billion blow to New York City’s budget, leading some elected officials to peer closely at police department funding. That scrutiny only intensified as pandemic lockdowns gave way to protests spurred by Floyd’s May 25 death in Minneapolis, with demonstrations in New York marred by looting and violent clashes between officers and demonstrators.

“Nolad ben Zachar Nisrapeh Kol Hamishpachah”. Those are the only words that come to mind after hearing the bittersweet news that Reb Shlomo Birnhak Z”L, who was tragically killed in a car crash last night, had a son early this morning. Bichasdei Hashem, the baby is healthy, while Mrs Birnhak is is still being treated for serious injuries. Also R”L killed in the crash was his father-in-law, Reb Aryeh Shmuel Deutsch Z”L, also a Skverer Chosid, and on Tuesday afternoon – his sister in law Tziporah Deutsch A”H, 20-years-old. Both Levayos were held on Monday night in New Square, and were attended by hundreds upon hundreds of people. The Skverer Rebbe attended both Levayos as well. One was held at 8:30PM, and the second one was held at 2:30AM – both at the main Skverer Bais Medrash.

As promised by the Jewish Community elected officials, two more community parks were opened in defiance of NYC mayor Bill DeBlasio. NYS Senator Simcha Felder on Monday night tweeted: “We’ve asked nicely and waited patiently. We’ve made every logical argument. The people have spoken and they’re running out of patience. If @nycmayor won’t open ALL our playgrounds @SEichenstein @KalmanYeger and I will cut the locks open ourselves. Sure enough, the trio arrived at the park on Avenue L and East 18 on Tuesday morning and were joined by Heshy “ParkBuster” Tischler. A man with a saw took to the lock, and 3 minutes later, the park was opened and filling with mothers and children happily using the playground. The group then went to a park in Boro Park and did the same.

President Donald Trump told reporters on Monday that John Bolton, his former national security adviser, will have a “very strong criminal problem” if he proceeds in publishing a tell-all book. Bolton’s memoir is set to be released on June 23, but Trump called it “highly inappropriate” and said that he would consider every conversation he has had with Bolton “to be highly classified.” Trump ousted Bolton as National Security Advisor last fall, which came after the pair had disputes over how to handle foreign policy challenges like Iran, North Korea and Afghanistan. Bolton, a meticulous note-taker and Trump’s third National Security Advisor, is expected to shed new light on the president’s dealings with foreign countries as well as his impeachment.

Tragedy struck the New Square Kehilla on Monday, after the passing of two family members traveling in the same vehicle. Sources tell YWN that two families were in a van heading to a family wedding in NYC, when they were involved in a serious crash just outside of New Square. It happened just before 4:30PM on Route 45 & New Hempstead Road near Freidwald Center. Hatzolah Paramedics arriving on the scene found numerous occupants heavily entrapped in the vehicle, and immediately requested the fire department for extrication. At least 10 victims were transported to various hospitals – including Westchester and Nyack – some of them in critical condition. Two victims, a father-in-law and his son-in-law, both R”L Niftar at the hospital after suffering massive injuries.

A reporter questioned NY Governor Cuomo about Kiryas Joel at the Monday morning press conference, but it seemed from his response, that he really doesn’t mind what is going on. REPORTER: “We have video of dozens of kids going into buses with backpacks…. there is also another video we got of a huge wedding in K.J. last week with hundreds in attendance… Orange County says the Ny State Police has the jurisdiction — why isn’t the State Police enforcing your executive order?” CUOMO: “Well first, local governments, have the primary responsibility for enforcement. That is the law. And I’ve said a number of times, local governments have to do their job.” Watch the full response in the video below.

The NYC Parks Department was in Williamsburg on Monday morning, and were seen welding the doors of shut at the Middleton Playground (Lynch Park) – to make sure that children shouldn’t be able to play in the park. Meanwhile, besides the fact that many parks around the city are being used all day long (as documented previously by YWN), thousands of protesters were permitted to gather in Brooklyn on Sunday to support “black trans lives”. Reporters will be unable to ask the Mayor about this on Monday, as all previously scheduled events for the Mayor – including his daily press conference – have been cancelled. According to multiple reports, Mayor Deblasio is suffering from a stomach ache today and will be staying home. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
