“BSD Cheshvan 5782
I ask everyone to partner with me to save the life of my friend, a huge talmid chacham…His situation has touched my heart and is close to being one of pikuach nefesh. All those who help, I will remember them for good. They will merit to raise their children to Torah and to the chuppah, and no sickness or harm should befall upon their families. They will be blessed with children, life and sustenance. 
Chaim Kanievsky”

[COMMUNICATED]The fundamental and popularly-quoted responsum of the Posek Hador and author of Igros Moshe Harav Moshe Feinstein writes regarding wearing wigs: “Most of our Rabbis, including those that we rely on for the fundamentals of deciding halachah, permit it.” After delivering this verdict, he explains the rationale of permitting a married woman to wear a wig and sharply addresses the letter writer who wished to act stringently and forbid his wife from wearing a wig…

“We’ve got to get this baby out – NOW.”
Tension and adrenaline filled the delivery room last month, as doctors fought to save 22-year-old Esther Blau’s unborn child. Esther had come in for her second birth and was treated as a typical young patient. When she collapsed and her vitals began to drop, the race began to deliver her son.
The child was born healthy and is now 2 weeks old. Esther, however, tragically passed away.
Her husband, Yoel Blau is now left with two children ( a 1-year-old and a newborn) who will never know their mother. The child’s bris was emotional for everyone present. His name is Yaakov Yeshaya.

Hello, my name is Rabbi Dovid Friedman.* Baruch Hashem, I’ve had the opportunity for several years now to do the very special mitzvah of bris milah for young couples. There have been many challenges and curveballs throughout the years, a child who woke up jaundiced the morning of the bris, a cab ride that had me arriving home from an out of town simcha 10 minutes before shabbos, the usual. But there is one bris that I know I will never forget: That’s the bris of the Blau baby.


Hundreds wept in agony last night at the levaya of 22-year-old mother of 2, Esther Blau. Esther reportedly became very weak during pregnancy with her second child. During labor, she lost consciousness and entered into a coma. Her son was miraculously born healthy. Despite the community’s desperate prayers for her recovery, they were forced to give her son a bris without her: the child’s name is Yaakov Yeshaya.
Esther passed away yesterday, leaving behind a shocked husband and two children who will never know her.


“I’m a mother of 6 kids, and a nurse in the ER at Shaarei Tzedek. I was working the night shift one night when we got the call that there was a young man coming in after a horrible car accident. We did our prep but when he came through the door on the stretcher I completely lost my ability to think. It was my husband.
We lost Tzvi that night. We all miss him so much. Even though I work every long shift I can get, I’d be lying if I said we aren’t struggling to get by financially. I have a child with major medical needs and I’m not able to afford getting her the help she needs. I never thought in a million years that I’d be on my own like this, and the fear of what will be is with me all the time…”- Fraida, 29*

“When I was in high school both of my parents were killed in a car crash. Losing both of my parents so suddenly in one night was very traumatic for me. The image of seeing their crushed car, and all the blood…It haunts me to this very day. I miss them so much and I don’t think the pain of losing them will ever go away. Today I wish more than ever that my parents were alive because I am getting married in just three weeks…- Shevy F.*

Rav Reuven Elbaz is not easily phased. 
But when this Bais Yaakov girl told him her story, he was moved to tears.
Shevy F.* was just fourteen years old when her entire life closed in on her– Her parents were immediately killed in a terrible car accident.
“Losing both of my parents so suddenly in one night was very traumatic for me,” shares Shevy, now twenty years old.
“The image of seeing their crushed car, and all the blood…It haunts me to this very day. I miss them so much and I don’t think the pain of losing them will ever go away.”
