With a plethora of online learning tools, you can find yourself a study group even if you're the only Jew in town

Selection committee cites Tel Aviv University academic's 'research excellence' in wide array of topics, her achievements in communicating subject to the public

The Dirshu organization says gathering will be held to express Jewish solidarity in wake of rising anti-Semitic attacks

Days after Monsey stabbing and amid spate of other anti-Semitic attacks, Siyum HaShas event in New Jersey to mark end of another round of daily study of primary Jewish text

Michelle Farber has taught her all-female class a page a day for the last 7 1/2 years as part of the Daf Yomi cycle, and on Jan. 5 will host first major women's completion ceremony

Volunteers at excavations at Western Galilee's Usha uncover previously unknown blacksmith industry, an addition to impressive glassworks found at the site
