Tel Aviv University research shows human pressure is hurting marine wildlife living close to edges of such regions; in Israel, protected zones are showing positive signs

Specific signs in lung may give early warning of breast cancer relapse, Tel Aviv scholars say, hoping to use the knowledge to avert repeat illness

Age also a major factor in immune response, according to study, which could lead to targeted treatment based on biological sex

Poised to help many who've lost touch sensation to injury or amputation, tech feeds sensor’s signals to healthy nerves; tests on rats documented in peer-reviewed research

Nano-film can create electricity from any motion in the body, even the slight movement of blood moving through veins, according to research published in peer-reviewed journal

Researchers say development could improve electronic devices' speed and energy consumption

Researcher says 120,000-year-old remains are likely from 'some of the last survivors of a once very dominant group in the Middle East'

Aiming to foster peace, build common future around tech, parties aim to address age-old regional challenge of water scarcity

Widely assumed to be source of coronavirus, bats probably spared us from other diseases, scientists say; the mammals stay ‘home’ when sick, protecting fellow bats, other species

First digital monitoring of COVID shot recipients shows vitals spike but return to normal within three days, demonstrating 'vaccine safety'
