Times of Israel reporters drive along Negev highway used by Hamas during brutal Saturday invasion and discover a hellish landscape stained by blood and fire

Hamzeh Abu Zeilah alleged to have began watching content of terrorist group online, and contacted its members via TikTok

Chen Amir's widow says she knew he'd be 1st person to confront assailant; sister: 'A hero, ready to sacrifice his life to protect fellow officers and every person on the street'

Third guard dies of wounds, after two Jewish worshipers and two other guards are killed by rogue officer who opened fire on Djerba synagogue during annual pilgrimage

Hassen Chalghoumi, who was in Djerba when two Jews were killed there, says the annual event must continue for sake of 1,000-member local Jewish community

At least one alleged attacker shot by police, according to unverified reports, as hundreds of Jews from France, Israel and beyond gather on Djerba under heavy security

Legislation receives support from Yisrael Beytenu opposition party, advancing in 55-9 vote, despite longstanding pushback from legal and security establishments

Germany's foreign minister, diplomatic official voice opposition to legislation making its way through Knesset amid spike in Palestinian terror attacks

Ben Gvir says initial passage on day of deadly West Bank attack ‘symbolic’; AG said to oppose legislation, which is expected to be softened; Netanyahu allegedly tried to delay vote

Minister says anyone who harms civilians 'should be sent to the electric chair,' making case for controversial legislation that others have repeatedly failed to pass
