Telegraph says move comes after Tehran allegedly plotted to kidnap and kill British citizens for their supposed involvement in protests in the Islamic Republic

'Perception' of Iran's Guards Corps to remain, despite Tehran conditioning revived nuclear deal on terror delisting; EU envoy in Tehran to hammer out remaining differences

New listing, which places restrictions on financing Gaza-ruling group, will cover all of its branches, after Canberra previously limited designation to organization's military wing

The group is the only right-wing outfit to have been designated a terrorist organization by the Australian government

Group among several white supremacists organizations added to list, marking first time US-based group has been designated as terrorist

American prosecutors say gas sale was arranged by businessman with ties to Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps, a US-designated foreign terrorist organization

Ahmad al-Hamidawi, leader of Kataib Hezbollah, is declared a 'specially designated global terrorist,' freezing his assets in the country and making it illegal to trade with him

Arab Israeli leader also decries 'cruel, immoral' move by defense minister designed as deterrent and possible bargaining chip; Gantz voices support

Naftali Bennett orders sweeping move, which may lead to remains being used as bargaining chips in a swap deal; security cabinet must still approve decision

Decision reverses a 2017 ruling that suspended the practice until it was anchored in law
