From New York to California, volunteers introduce refugees to American holiday for the first time, keeping with longstanding Jewish tradition of welcoming the stranger

US president quips that 'no ballot stuffing' was involved in sparing birds from ending up as the main course in annual celebratory dinner later this week

Onlooker mistakes students at Manhattan's Beit Rabban Day School chanting 'Thank you' to city workers as a protest in video garnering more than 480,000 views, 105K likes

Yehuda Kurtzer reflects on the Jewish significance of Thanksgiving

An Israeli chef, Tel Aviv mom and Anglo immigrant talk about how and why they celebrate this most American of holidays

In 24 hours, 100,000 Americans are hospitalized, 200,000 new cases found; coming months to be 'most difficult time in public health history of this nation,' says CDC director

William Bradford's 'Of Plymouth Plantation' features about 1,000 words in the biblical tongue. But although many early Protestants studied Hebrew, they were hardly philo-Semitic

As coronavirus cases again spike across the United States, Jewish institutes ask parents to avoid celebrations or host outside -- or risk the closures faced by the general public

ToI's Culture editor and children's book author Jessica Steinberg speaks about baking pumpkin pies for breast cancer org Sharsheret and celebrating in Israel

Medical professionals warn close-quarter indoor gatherings are a source for infections and recommend small well-ventilated family meals or outdoor activities this year
