Editor David Horovitz dissects Netanyahu's 25-minute General Assembly address; environment reporter Sue Surkes on an Israeli mission to reduce infant mortality in Chad

PM accosted with shouts of 'Shame!' while making stop at local hospital, in rare sight of him appearing to lose his cool in face of relentless anti-overhaul rallies

Israeli- led demonstrators chant 'democracy' and 'we're not afraid,' culminating week of rallies against PM's New York City visit

Senior analyst Haviv Rettig Gur digs into PM's meet with Biden in NY and some overlooked consequences of possible Saudi normalization; health reporter Renee Ghert-Zand with updates

Prime minister accuses United Nations of 'baseless criticism' of Jewish state; secretary-general discusses 'ending occupation' in talk with Palestinian president

Carrie Keller-Lynn discusses Tuesday's Knesset debates, Canaan Lidor reports from Uman over Rosh Hashanah and Europe's rabbis, and Tal Schneider updates on the PM's US visit

Addressing UN, US president also touts commitment to stopping Iran from getting nukes; Guterres decries 'escalating violence, bloodshed in the occupied Palestinian territory'

News editor Luke Tress on the organizations sending demonstrators to plague the PM; US bureau chief Jacob Magid on carrots and sticks for a peace deal

Ebrahim Raisi, in New York for UN General Assembly, says ties with Jerusalem 'don't bring security,' denies providing weapons to Russia, decries US 'interference' in Middle East

Israeli expats join up with American Jewish communities to demonstrate during PM's trip to California, New York; Rabbi Angela Buchdahl: 'The Jews of Israel are crying out in pain'
