Washington was informed of killings on Saudi-Yemen border while trying to smooth ties with Riyadh and broker deal for Israel, New York Times reports

Research indicates that effects of technology will vary greatly between professions and regions, warning that women are more likely than men to see their jobs affected

Oil now aboard replacement tank, putting looming fears of catastrophe to bed after years of warring sides blocking international operation

Bab al-Hawa gateway used by 85% of deliveries to rebel-held northwest Idlib region; agreement comes after dispute over terms for sending supplies to area

Humanitarian Coordinator in the West Bank and Gaza Lynn Hastings calls for terror group to abolish capital punishment 'as per international obligations'

OCHA says figure includes attacks on Palestinians and property, adds rise comes after 'number of such incidents in 2022 was already the highest since we started recording them'

After conducting thousands of air raids during its neighbor's civil war that allegedly targeted civilians, Riyadh moves to shore up Sana'a's economy

Official reponse comes despite government position not to cooperate with court's probe; reply also contradicts resistance to any peace talks with Palestinians

Compliance with UN nuclear watchdog marks change in tone for Tehran, which limited cooperation with inspectors since former US president Trump withdrew from nuclear deal in 2018

Move marks major step in preventing disastrous spill or explosion in key shipping lane after years of frantic warnings from governments and environmental groups
