Investigation finds multiple sites hit with the non-kosher food, which the Jewish house had interpreted as an anti-Jewish act

Alpha Epsilon Pi denounces incident as antisemitic act, says they found the seafood scattered at property, including in member's room; police won't confirm if probing as hate crime

Part of a reckoning over the history of archaeology, the Badè Museum launches an exploration into the diggers, haulers, and local staff who worked a dig near Ramallah in the 1920s

Signs declaring 'anti-Zionism is antisemitism' plastered with 'Free Palestine' in pair of incidents, with group representing anti-Zionist Jews claiming responsibility for one

Provocative political outfit Accuracy in Media targets neighborhoods of Berkeley Law School organizers whose groups banned Zionist speakers, sparking uproar

Education Department’s Office of Civil Rights says it will investigate claims by pro-Israel advocates that the school failed to address antisemitism among students

Provocative effort by Accuracy in Media aimed at law school groups that banned Zionist speakers criticized for trivializing memory of Holocaust victims, as debate continues to rage

9 student groups at the university's law school have banned pro-Israel speakers. How to make sense of the escalating furore

Controversy erupts after 9 student groups ban pro-Israel speakers in latest antisemitism controversy to roil US campuses; Jewish leaders at college decry 'panic-mongering'

A personally chosen collection of favorite legal briefs, US Supreme Court opinions and dissents, and recent speeches aim to show how Jewish jurist fought for a more perfect union
