With only two days left until slates close for March election, small parties seek alliance to prevent loss of votes, but it is unclear if they can bridge their differences in time

Threatening independent run, National Union chairman proposes reshuffling joint slate

Merger with far-right party, along with ensuring placement of female candidate among top five on slate, expected to be approved by internal body

Senior lawmaker, dozens of party officials say Rafi Peretz acted alone in agreement with far-right faction; demand central committee convene to vote on matter

Parties previously ran together with National Union in April election; Blue and White's Yair Lapid calls move 'a disgrace'

Channel 13 report on education minister's pre-military school used out-of-context video clips in which rabbi Rabbi Asaf Namburg appears to call secular Jews 'wicked'

Nitzan Horowitz says Rafi Peretz encourages anti-secularism and is 'unworthy' of his cabinet post

TV publishes excerpts from recordings removed from internet when Rafi Peretz took up his position; students told to avoid IDF, Ben-Gurion compared to villain of Hannukah story

Itamar Ben Gvir says Ayelet Shaked under pressure to exclude his far-right party from electoral alliance, but joint run 'still possible'

Veteran activists accuse Rafi Peretz of capitulating to Shaked and Bennett in United Right alliance, with one crying out that 'he sold his soul to the devil'
