Justices reject appeal on behalf of an Arkansas newspaper that objected to a state law that reduces fees paid to contractors who refuse to sign pledge not to boycott Israel

Ruling by St. Louis-based Eighth Circuit court is a major victory for pro-Israel activists who have pushed some 30 states to adopt anti-BDS laws

Agudath Israel of America says ruling confirms that governor's order to reduce capacity at synagogues was a violation of religious liberty

Court rejects effort to block 9,300 late ballots in Pennsylvania; Michigan judge refuses to stop certification of Detroit-area results and campaign withdraws Arizona challenge

Steven Menashi nomination battle for 2nd US Circuit Court of Appeals has touched raw nerves on immigration, feminism, LGBTQ rights and nationalism

Appeals bench allege 'troubling pattern of errors' in 2017 verdict that let government take over New York City building to cover terror-related verdicts