Lawmakers vote 49-44, failing to reach necessary two-thirds majority; 'We must maintain the measure of deterrence' against Tehran, says majority leader McConnell

Resolution stemmed from fears that White House was stumbling into war with Islamic republic; Trump says Congress misunderstood presidential powers

Six military awards handed out to service personnel injured during January missile strikes on sites housing American troops; remaining 23 to be given later in the week

US, which has pulled out of JCPOA, is campaigning for extension; Tehran accuses it of 'circumventing' UN Security Council resolution, asks EU for support

Secretary of state says considering 'every possibility' in effort to renew ban on selling conventional weapons to Islamic Republic

Pompeo calls on UN to renew ban on weapons exports, set to expire in October; critics say aim is to kill deal entirely as Trump heads into reelection campaign

After Trump orders navy to destroy Iranian gunboats if they harass US ships, Tehran cautions that 'any adventurism, harassment or provocation will be met with a firm reaction'

US General Jay Raymond says Nour satellite, the first Iran put into orbit, is unlikely to be able to gather much intelligence

US president had threatened to sink Iranian vessels after ships harassed US warship; escalation comes a day after surprise Iranian satellite launch

Vice chairman of US Joint Chiefs of Staff says too soon to know if Tehran's satellite launch was successful, says it's another example of 'malign behavior,' like Gulf skirmishes
