Vessel, seen from satellite photos, resembles Nimitz-class carriers US Navy routinely sails into Persian Gulf from the Strait of Hormuz

Media in Iran, whose regime used deadly force to put down demonstrators last year, says chants followed minute of silence held for George Floyd

Matteo Taerri, accused by Washington of trying to export equipment without license, calls charges 'futile and unfair' upon arrival in Iran

After US leader hails successful prisoner swap as sign diplomacy can work, Zarif says it's up to the president to fix the broken international accord

After Tehran releases Michael White and US frees two Iranians, American president says 'it shows a deal is possible'

Mother of Michael White, who was arrested during July 2018 visit, says he is on his was back to America: 'The nightmare is over'

Officials in Tehran continue to seize on unrest in US in order to turn finger normally pointed at them for Islamic Republic's brutal crackdowns on US authorities instead

Sirous Asgari, who was cleared last year by Washington of stealing trade secrets, had his repatriation delayed by coronavirus crisis

Supreme leader says cop killing of black man is what US 'has always done all over the world,' says country 'discredited' by high coronavirus death toll

Foreign Minister Zarif says Sirous Asgari on his way back to Iran; professor had been accused of trying to steal research from US Navy project
