Sirous Asgari, accused of trying to steal classified research from US university in 2016, on his way back to Iran, according to Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif

Foes, including China and Russia, use protests over George Floyd's killing to cast Washington as hypocritical for criticizing their own human rights abuses

Tehran statement comes as tens of thousands of US protesters demand tougher murder charges over the death of George Floyd; hundreds said killed in Iran's November crackdown

Former commander of Revolutionary Guards' air force vows revenge for January death of Soleimani, which will entail 'the total expulsion of America's terrorist army from the region'

Nuclear officials say latest punitive measures against nuclear scientist only increase country's determination to push forward with research

Tehran says measures will have 'no impact' on its continued nuclear work and accuses Washington of pulling the 'final plug' on 2015 nuclear accord

Latest measures target interior minister, seven law enforcement officials and an IRGC commander

Spokesman for Central Command says incident in which missile struck Iranian ship is 'tragic loss of life'; criticizes training exercise for taking place so near to Strait of Hormuz

Washington accuses Tehran of violating 2015 agreement by launching satellite last month, supplying arms to proxy forces in Lebanon, Yemen, other countries

Government spokesperson says Tehran holds Washington responsible for health of Iranian prisoners held in American jails; Navy vet Michael White has been jailed in Iran since 2018
