Amid increasing signs of US-Iran detente, PM says Israeli government is continuously urging the White House to maintain its sanctions campaign

US president said to be considering French proposal for line of credit guaranteed by future oil sales

Ron Dermer calls for punishing Tehran amid concern in Jerusalem over Trump's possible rapprochement with the Islamic Republic

US president doesn't offer any names, explains that while he 'got along very well' with his ex-national security adviser, the hawkish diplomat also made some 'very big mistakes'

US president says he believes Tehran wants a new deal as economic pressure is 'getting tougher and tougher'; Rouhani tells Macron talks 'meaningless' unless sanctions eased

Report says proposal to ease economic pressure on Tehran was met with strong pushback by Bolton, who left the US administration the next day

Relations between Washington and Tehran at low point following Trump's pullout from 2015 nuclear deal

Top officials insist that willingness, announced just hours after departure of hawk John Bolton, does not indicate softer line against Tehran

While a major change in US policy doesn’t appear to be in the offing, Jerusalem will be watching Iran ties with concern after sudden departure of national security adviser

Hardliner influences Trump's position on Iran nuclear deal and United Nations, but two later seem divided over North Korea and talks with Taliban
