Responding to hate symbol near office of special envoy on antisemitism, US president says society must give 'no safe harbor' to hate and stand up to bigotry wherever it is found

Blinken says incident investigated, is 'a painful reminder that antisemitism not a relic of past'; comes amid administration's vow to fill position to combat bigotry targeting Jews

Spokesman says boycott movement 'unfairly singles out Israel' but refuses to specifically address Vermont-based ice cream maker's decision

US State Department declines to weigh in on company's decision, but reiterates opposition to BDS; sales in Israel rise as kosher markets in the US drop the ice cream from shelves

Investigative reporter Omar Radi sentenced to 6 years in prison; rights groups say his case was politically motivated and came following claims he was hacked by Israeli spy firm

US criticizes Jewish state for fewer investigations and prosecutions in trafficking cases in 2020 compared to 2019

Red Crescent says 61 Palestinians hurt, including six hit by rubber-tipped bullets; under agreement with government, settlers will leave site by 4.00 pm Friday

Under agreement, military will review status of West Bank land and if found to belong to state, a yeshiva and dorms will be established; army to set up base there in meantime

Asked to comment on wildcat West Bank community that gov't has agreed to leave intact for now, State Dept. says it's critical to refrain from steps that harm two-state solution

Tune in Sunday through Thursday to hear ToI editors and reporters quickly catch you up on what’s important today
