Biden administration says it knows 'with certainty' Syria holding US journalist Austin Tice; Syria labels claims 'misleading and illogical'

Blinken, meeting with Israeli, UAE counterparts, says Washington won't lift sanctions without 'vital' political progress, despite warming ties between Arabs states and Damascus

James Jeffrey signed a 2016 letter warning Trump would put national security at risk, but after serving under him, longtime diplomat says president's policies made the region safer

Confirming reports he's previously denied, US president says he had Syrian leader ready to be taken out, but Jim Mattis 'didn't want to do it'

Bashar Assad calls restrictions imposed under Caesar Act an 'escalation' intended to 'strangle' Syria's citizens; during address leader has to pause, citing low blood sugar

18-year-old Hafez Assad, named after his grandfather, will not be allowed to travel or maintain assets in the United States

FM Muallem decries Caesar Act as an attempt to undermine support for dictator Assad and force him to 'abandon' his alliances

US secretary of state says 'sustained campaign of economic and political pressure' is aimed at stopping regime's 'brutal war' on Syrian people

Central bank raises official exchange rate from 704 to 1,256 Syrian pounds to the dollar as Caesar Act prepares to take aim at foreigners doing business with Damascus government

Syrian leader taps water resources minister to replace Imad Khamis, whose ouster comes ahead of new US sanctions on any entity or nation doing business with the country
