Rabbis rule it's kosher to eat at unsupervised vegan and vegetarian restaurants, say many of their members already see 'no obvious kashrut problems' in doing so

Vegan Friendly nonprofit to launch campaign in the US to promote veganism, dietary change

With a cry for kelp and a plea for peas, activist organization Vegan Friendly scores with latest collaboration

3-day event includes cooking workshops, lectures, holistic activities and vegan products

Rabbi among religious figures calling extra cost for plant-based milks 'unethical and unfair'; coffee chain charges 50 cents to a dollar more for vegan-friendly customization

The well-known comedian's wife says it's not necessary to quit everything you love to enjoy the benefits of a plant-based lifestyle

Paris-based La Vie is on a quest for the 'holy grail' of the plant-based meat industry, gaining financial aid from the Hollywood star — herself an avowed vegan

Startup also unveils first 'whole cuts' for high-end restaurants in the UK, Germany, Netherlands

Rehovot team finds 'genetic modification' to halt embryogenesis, stopping formation of males when they are just a cell cluster; males routinely killed because they can't lay eggs

Furloughs and other work cuts push entrepreneurial types to follow their dreams, turning hobbies into businesses
