Couple raising a child not genetically linked to them had sought to block a court order that granted another couple's request to determine whether they are the biological parents
Under Health Ministry censure, hospital faces demand for damages; lawyer for unnamed pair says they won't tell anyone, not even their kids, that the dad isn't their genetic parent
Health Ministry censures Assuta Ramat HaHayal for several serious breaches, including baby born with no DNA link to father, says outside safety adviser must be appointed
Global list highlights early growth-stage companies ‘poised to have a significant impact on business and society’; previous cohorts included Google, Twitter, Airbnb, Spotify
Results show DNA of child, born through IVF at Tel Aviv hospital in 2018, may not match father's, less than a year after similar error ignited media storm
Experts' report points to likely genetic parents of embryo implanted in wrong woman, who gave birth last October; blames error on financial motivations and lack of oversight
Lawsuit against Assuta Hospital to focus on malpractice, distress faced by family; Supreme Court ruled last week to halt genetic testing to find biological couple
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