Cabinet decision with immediate effect also dramatically expedites approval process for construction at settlements, scraps requirement for okay from defense minister or cabinet

Construction of new building in outpost was ‘deliberate dismantlement of rule of law,’ caused 'constitutional crisis' as ministers allegedly approved structure, says Yesh Din

Otzma Yehudit's Limor Son Har Melech strongly criticizes IDF, government for omitting three neighboring former settlements from military order allowing Israelis to reside in Homesh

Right-wing march to Evyatar wildcat outpost to be attended by 7 ministers, including Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir and others

Reversing sections of the 2005 disengagement law is critical for the government's goal of legalizing the illegal settlement outpost of Homesh

Hundreds spend night at hilltop location; National Security Minister Ben Gvir asks Netanyahu to allow them to stay as a response to deadly shooting of two brothers by Palestinian

Settlers celebrate decision to legalize nine unauthorized outposts, say it formalizes longstanding cooperation with government to expand settlement

Figure green-lit by panel this week is largest ever; hearing rescheduled to adjudicate objections to repeatedly delayed project that would bisect Palestinian contiguity in W. Bank

After members bow to American pressure, withdraw resolution urging halt to settlement activity, they issue softer joint statement saying actions imperil prospects for 2 states

As PA buckles under US pressure to withdraw Security Council resolution, Israel only agrees to pause further unilateral steps for a short time
