Illegal communities -- along with some 10,000 settlement homes -- built without permits and some on private Palestinian land; US 'deeply concerned,' seeks more info on approvals

Chief military prosecutor, Defense Ministry legal adviser reportedly warn Netanyahu move could place Israel in legal peril on world stage

After combative meeting, certain powers in Civil Administration slated to be handed to Religious Zionism leader in line with coalition deals, as defense minister fumes, report says

Defense minister also holds meeting with West Bank settlement community leaders after ordering the demolition of illegal structures established by settler activists

Edelstein and Danon visit contentious Palestinian hamlet as coalition tensions simmer over evacuation of illegal Israeli outpost in northern West Bank

PM is eyeing Saudi normalization, closer cooperation with US on Iran, but Tom Nides tells ToI those will be hard to achieve if his Israel moves to shut door on two states for good

Religious Zionism party urges Netanyahu to clarify division of authority over IDF after Smotrich accuses Defense Minister Gallant of ordering evacuation in breach of coalition deal

Military says man entered the illegal Sde Ephraim Farm by car, tried to stab Israeli before being killed by a guard; no other injuries reported

Demolition of site set up overnight to commemorate late national religious rabbi seen as first test of shaky coalition deal to divide authority of defense ministry in West Bank

Organizers say site deliberately chosen to foil Palestinian territorial contiguity, call on Netanyahu government not to raze it like the previous government
