AS UTJ's Meir Porush loudly reads Psalms from floor, forcing Knesset panel to temporarily recess; unfazed committee chair tells colleague he's free to protest as he wishes

Throngs of Jewish worshipers make pilgrimage to Jerusalem for ceremony, with hundreds of police officers securing the area

Housing Minister Ze'ev Elkin says there's a higher risk of infection at mass prayer of Muslims than during selichot services, due to low vaccination rates in the Arab sector

'Red City' high schools with less than 70% vaccination rates to go to distance learning; cabinet also approves limits for mass 'selichot' prayer services at Western Wall

Under proposal, access to schools, hospitals will require a Green Pass; PM also approves framework for holding mass 'selichot' prayer services at Western Wall in coming weeks

Holy site's management to bring back section dividers, limit entrance at a time when tens of thousands expected for Selichot services ahead of High Holidays

Herzog says he is saddened to hear of disruption of Tisha B’Av prayer service held by Conservative Movement; Lapid: Extremists 'desecrated' holy day

Tune in Sunday through Thursday to hear ToI editors and reporters quickly catch you up on what’s important today

Youths curse worshippers, set up gender partition at site; World Jewish Congress leader slams incident, calls on government to take action to protect other streams of Judaism

Contrasting scenes in Jerusalem where religious Jews gather at Western Wall to offer prayers against the new government; Ex-PM thanks supporters, urges them to protest
