Opposition MKs slam coronavirus czar for decision, say country will pay a 'heavy price' for allowing them in at a time when most non-Israelis are barred

Liberman warns Israel will pay a 'heavy price' for decision, accuses Ronni Gamzu of 'failed decision-making'

Days after signaling opposition, Ronni Gamzu approves plan to allow in thousands of yeshiva and university students, warns against violating quarantine conditions

Interior and health ministries agree to ease virus ban on non-nationals; move could enable thousands to arrive for study in yeshivas and educational trips

Despite embrace of mask wearing and social distancing, Haredi neighborhoods hit hard by second wave of coronavirus pandemic

Williamsburg congregants escorted from site by authorities after breaking regulations against gatherings in places of worship

Parents describe how classes by phone have stopped, with studies renewed, as NY authorities close one such school; rabbis ask for reopening guidance

Advocacy group attacks Bill de Blasio after emails detail his knowledge of report on religious institutions failing to meet education standards

Bill de Blasio made friends among ultra-Orthodox leaders with position on controversial circumcision practice, but has been criticized for slow response to anti-Semitic violence

Chaim Kanievsky and Gershon Edelstein, who reportedly previously disagreed on matter, tell their Lithuanian sect studies to be held as normally as possible from home
